The band

A banker in a major Swiss bank at daytime, Max spent his nights drumming with the Cernettes and other rock bands. When Silvano mentioned the Cernettes project. Max hired immediately Colette and Angela, a singer duo from his Geneva Abba style band, The Quest. With Silvano, he is a founder member of the band, and has never missed a Cernettes concert.

The band's composer and leader. Despite being really a metal rocker, he created the Cernettes because he loved writing sixties tunes similar to those he used to play on stage as a teenager. Working at CERN as as a computer scientist, he received his daily exposure to mindblowing Physics concepts, just by having coffee with his colleagues. He conceived the Cernettes as the perfect marriage of sixties, Physics, and show. A winning formula for the CERN Hardronic Festival. Silvano retired from CERN in 2012, and lives now in Mauritius with his wife, Cernette Michele.


Somewere between secret agent and bass player, Matt spends his life flying between London, Geneva and strange countries, organizing security for big events. He never hesitates to interrupt his James Bond life, and puts down his guns to pick up a guitar and join the Cernettes on stage.

Partially hidden by his vintage Telecaster, Harald was the Cernettes' first guitarist, and he is the author of some of the band's brand solos and riffs, such as in Collider and Strong Interaction. After being away from the band for many years, he made his comeback for our Goodbye gig at CERN.

Previous band members

Many musicians have been on stage with the Cernettes over 22 years. Impossible to report them all as many performed with us only for a single concert. Here are the most significant ones.

John was our bass player from '91 till 2003, when he moved to Hawaii. He was a very relevant figure in the band, and lived through most of the band's gigs adventures.

Laurent joined in '94 as guitarist, and covered this role for many of our gigs, until 2008.

Django played a few gigs with the Cernettes, between 1999 and 2007, whenever his scuba diving obligations did not take him thousands of miles away from our stages.