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Photo archive

A little timeline through the Cernettes years, with some comments, facts and gossips.


Vintage looks lovers, click here to find the old website, written in 1993, in pure HTML.

One of the very first musicians websites

1990 - The first Cernettes

<< Catherine, Michele, Ruth, Caroline.


First time on stage. "Les Horribles Cernettes" are born in front of a cheering CERN audience (from CERN Bulletin - July 1990)

1991 - The "original" Cernettes

1992 - The Cernettes sensation

1993 - Linda from Ireland

1994 - Anne

1995 - The Colliders

1996 - The Cernettes are back, with Sue

1997 - Angela is back

1998 - A vocal performance

1999 - Louise

2000 - Susan

2003 - Valerie

2007 - Vicky

2008 - The LHC Inauguration

2010 - European Researchers Night

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